Micro-Macrame Jewelry

Online Class: How it Works

Sample Video -

1. If you can't play the sample video above, check that you have a browser that supports HTML 5. Also make sure that video is not disabled in your browser preferences or with any plug-ins. If the video is choppy or stops often to buffer… your connection is slow. Allow the video to completely load before viewing.

 • You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the class instruction .pdf files (available at http://get.adobe.com/reader/).

2. Click the Paypal "Add to Cart" button to purchase your class. You can pay with a credit/debit card or a Paypal account.

3. Once payment is completed, you will be taken to a page with your login username (the email you used with the Paypal payment) and your password. You will also receive an email with this info.

 • If you purchase another class at a later time and use the same email, your password will stay the same.

 • Click the appropriate "Log in to class" link on the Online Class page to enter your class. You can check Remember Me to have your browser remember your log-in information. You can also request that it be emailed to you if you've forgotten it.

5. Once logged in, you have access to the links for all the videos and pdf class instructions. There is no time limit on accessing the classes.

6. When you're finished, click the Logout link at the top of the page to exit the class.

7. Problems/Questions? Contact us at support@micro-macramejewelry.com .


Enjoy your classes!


Please remember that the purchase of an online class is for your personal use only and sharing of login information or content is not permitted, please see our terms of use.